What is Kennel Cough?
The condition known as kennel cough or tracheobronchitis is a respiratory infection that can affect both dogs and cats. A terrible hacking type cough that persists is the number one sign that your pet may have kennel cough. An airborne bacterium called Bordet Ella bronchiseptica is the cause for this affliction in most cases. Puppies, kittens and newly adopted shelter animals are at greater risk of contracting this ailment. It is very contagious and is spread in any situation where there are a large number of animals in close proximity to each other such as a boarding kennel, the veterinarians' office, dog shows, the dog groomers and doggy day care facilities. Most commercial businesses such as daycare and groomers require proof of kennel cough vaccination prior to taking on new clients. Kennel cough first looks as a dehydrated, hacking cough. There is no liquid produced. The cough can be short or persistent and can last throughout the day. As the cough continues and progresses there is a possibility that there will be a mucous or foamy discharge and nasal discharge. It cannot be cured with antibiotics, but antibiotics are suitable against the secondary microbial infection that may set in after the virus has attacked. There is a vaccination available named Kennel Cough Vaccines to help protect against kennel cough and it is advisable to visit to the veterinarian.
How to prevent it without vaccination?
Kennel cough can be a problem in dogs that live in close proximity to each other, such as in a kennel situation. It comes about because the dog's immune system is compromised. Several factors contribute towards low immunity and following are the top areas that cause this disease:
- Living in kennels is not natural for dogs and sometimes it causes them stress. This may be unavoidable if you are on holiday, but it shouldn't be their normal life style.
- Feeding the dog processed or commercial pet food is not a good idea. This is an unnatural and nutrient poor diet. It is better to give a quality raw meat and bones diet to build up a strong immune system.
- If the dog is stressed by anything. This could be that your family unit is not happy, or another animal intimidates your dog, or your dog can't settle when you are away at work. There are many factors. Dealing with them holistically will help you dog at a deep level.
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